Having a nice warm morning bath before heading off to Stockholm for the weekend!
When we got on the train we realised Kody was all about playing and going nuts! (licking the floor was a favourite)

After looking at some animals at Skansen it was time to have some ice cream!


Kodys great auntie Eva joined us and instantly became Kodys favourite! He rewarded her by letting her carry him around - everywhere!

Acting nutty on the Dala-horse!

It mustve been something wierd in that ice cream that Kody and Mommo shared...

Walking back towards the trainstation!

After a good nights sleep and a beautiful buffe breakfast at the hotel, Kody, Munna and Mommo jumped in the pool!

Home again - I told Kody we were gonna go have a nap, he got very upset and decided it was better to put himself to sleep on the couch :)

16 days left til we start the trip back to Oz, Im not looking forward to it at all, but I am looking forward to the 10th of august when we get to see Daddy Jack again!
See ya!